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Automated Advertising System

Item Name:Automated Advertising System  
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Item description:

This is an automated Advertising system linked with PayPal so that users can automatically be activated and begin installing there banners. They can change banners or edit them as much as they wish. You will receive an email to approve them. Users can own multiple ad campaigns. Easily configurable to add more zones. Comes standard with 7 zones and 3 blocks. No separate login for there control panel it is all located within the Your Account module. If they are not a member when signing up they will automatically be added to the users database and logged in so they do not need to activate themselves and get lost in the process.
Options include:
- Text, Code, Image, and Flash ads supported.
- Real time stats for the user to view there ad(s) demographics.
- Trial plans for promotions.
- Multiple Zones.
- FAQ's section built in.
- 100% Full control from an easy to use administration panel.
- Administration sales stats.
- Universal! Will work on any Nuke Version above 6.5.
- Single Site License
plus a whole lot more :-)

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