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<p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">PHPNUKE-CLAN.NET</a><br />
PNC: Version 4.0<br />
Release Date: 2007 January 09</strong></p>
<p>The PNC project is a package of the default PHP-Nuke 7.6with 150+ pre-installed features for Clans to use, and security fixes all optimized in one free package. <br />
<br />
<strong>Features overview for PNC 4.0:</strong> <br />
<li type="square"><strong>Custom user friendly theme, Lexus-Blue</strong> (made by Ghostspirit). <br />
<li type="square"><strong>vWar 1.5R15 PHPNUKE Hi-Wire with the fusion of the user account</strong> (PNC vs vWar) <br />
<li type="square"><strong>PNC 3.0.2 to 4.0 update file.</strong> </li>
<li type="square"><strong>New Security fixes </strong></li>
<li type="square"><strong>New Blocks and Admin functions. </strong><br />
<li type="square"><strong>Added and fixed + new version modules:
<li>Teamspeak </li>
<li>Ventrilo (<font color="#FF0000"><strong>NEW!!</strong></font> Fixed version) </li>
<li>vWar_Account (new version 1.5) </li>
<li>Squery 4.5.1 (New version, by XenoMorpH, completely integrated within PNC) </li>
<li>Map Manager 2.1 by </li>
<li>vWar Sig (<font color="#FF0000"><strong>NEW!!</strong></font>) </li>
<li>XFire </li>
<li>4nLan </li>
<br />
<li type="square"><strong>Block Added on PNC 4.0:
<li>User Info Sentinel version </li>
<li>Navigation block<br />
<br />
<li type="square"><strong>Auto-Installer, more functional</strong><br />
<p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>CLICK HERE</strong></a> to download PNC 4.0.<br />
You need help for the installation, <a href="" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a> can install it for you!</p>

Article submitted by: Grimsoc
Last Update: 01-11-2007
Category: PHP Nuke News

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