Unique Hit Counter

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Unique Hit Counter by LD Software.

Features of this block:

- Simple ip hit counter, stores the ip of the visitor in a database table and will only count that ip once.

You can your your free copy from LD Software Download Details.

Support for this module can be found at the LD Software Support Forum.

Registration is required to download from LD Software, which is free.

All phpnuke downloads at LD Software are free to download and are released under GPL.

Admin Note: Tricky thing to do tracking by IP, I know mine changes 10-15 times a day. Good luck with it.

Article submitted by: Affamole
Last Update: 08-05-2007
Category: PHP Nuke Blocks

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Re: Unique Hit Counter

By: floppydrivez @ 09:45:44 : 08-06-2007

This is still a move in the right direction. The only other alternative is to check by user id and that means anonymous can't play.

Re: Unique Hit Counter

By: Telli @ 11:30:05 : 08-08-2007

Sessions is the only real accurate way to track unique visits.

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