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Introducing X-Ray Firefox extension shows HTML tags

By Designmeme

The X-Ray extension let's you see the tags on a page without viewing the sourcecode.

One installed the X-Ray command is available by right-clicking as well as in the Tools menu. When applied to a page it can help you see how the document was constructed without having to go back and forth between the sourcecode and the page in your browser.

see the list of tags below

For version 0.5 the current list of supported tags is: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ol, ul, li, dt, dd, font, div, span, blockquote, pre, a, b, i, strong, em.

Visit their site for more info & Download

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Article submitted by: Webshark
Last Update: 01-12-2006
Category: Extra Stuff

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