having problems with link-to-us module

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#1   having problems with link-to-us module
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apparently either 7.9 doesnt like me or Im stupid.. first of all it wont let me use.zips.... says they arent there, when Im looking right at them... and this is what the image looks like... really really ugly.... what am I doing wrong?(using 7.9 I'm thinking)....

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#2   re: having problems with link-to-us module
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Have ya got a link to look at, kinda hard to see exactly what you mean from that scrolling pic.

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#3   re: having problems with link-to-us module
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Ok here's a link, this is the first thing Ive done to this site, so forgive the mess, I know the button doesnt say the right name, I was just using it to test the module first... [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] thank you icon_surprised.gif hopefully you can explain what I'm doing wrong. It looks fine for a second, then it reverts back to the ^^above image.

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#4   re: having problems with link-to-us module
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Im using nuke 7.6 and another one with 7.8 and ive got it installed on both sites. Have you deleteing it all and then reuploading and ensure your FTP program IS NOT going into binary mode when its uploading.
Other than that, I havent been able to duplicate the error so im thinking something didnt upload correctly or completely.

Nice Theme by the way.

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#5   re: having problems with link-to-us module
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I havent done that yet, but I will... the weird thing is that when you first click on the page, it works normally, but as soon as the page is done loading, it reverts back to that^^^ image... I'll try that and see if it helps though. thank you oh, and yes I like that theme icon_smile.gif

Edit: OKay deleted it, but installed another one, does the same thing, I'm thinking it has to do with the 7.9 version of nuke I am using, I have another site thats platinum, they work fine over there... icon_question.gif I'm lost..

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#6   re: having problems with link-to-us module
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Katie-S has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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Problem Solved!! yay go me... it was my 7.9 I deleted the whole cms and downloaded a patched version of 7.9 this one to be exact PHP-Nuke- still having the same issue with the forums and the group.php though.... another post on this forum... anyway the the link to us mod works great now! awesome thanks guys!. icon_smile.gif btw I don't know what the issue is with the 7.9.

edited sept 06... never mind, it's back to not working..seems my cable company changed my IP address and now that block is messed up again, and I can't even access the other site....something about invalid IP icon_rolleyes.gif blah....

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Its the wyswyg editor in phpnuke. Did you try deactivating it?

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#8   re: having problems with link-to-us module
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Katie-S has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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Thank you, now that I found it, I will try that.

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