Exclamation  Forum Posting Problem

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#1   Forum Posting Problem
CZ Newbie
adc1441990 has been a member for over 16 year's 16 Year Member
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I Made A New Install Of PHPNuke and Everything is Working Now Except That Everytime i Post A Message On The Forums The Phpbb Ones Inside of Nuke The Text Is Weird When it actually posts. For E.G. I Would type


If You Would like To Join The British Legion Please Fill Out One Of These Forms Below (Copy and Paste Into New Topic)

This is so we know Who You Are And more importantly What You can do


Character name and Class

Previous (or current) Society:

Fighting Style (e.g. Swashbuckling):

What You Can Make (Material Wise):

Game experiences:


Is there somebody in |TBL| that can vouch for you? if so, who?:

Why do you apply to |TBL|?:

Experience & a bit about you:

and when i post the thread and read it, it shows up as;

<span class="postbody">&nbsp;

If You Would like To Join The British Legion Please Fill Out One Of These Forms Below (Copy and Paste Into New Topic)

This is so we know Who You Are And more importantly What You can do


Character name and Class

Previous (or current) Society:

Fighting Style (e.g. Swashbuckling):

What You Can Make (Material Wise):

Game experiences:


Is there somebody in |TBL| that can vouch for you? if so, who?:

Why do you apply to |TBL|?:

Experience &amp; a bit about you:

Does anyone no how this happens or how too stop making it happen :P

I notice when i try and edit the post the text box will flash for a second showing the code in the text but then flashes again after a split second and just shows the text the way i want it displayed but it does not do that when it is posted.

o and btw if you need too look for yourself the website is at its temp url of thebritishlegion.net/www

If anyone could help that would be great! icon_biggrin.gif



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Sounds like the "span" tag is not allowed to be used. Make sure you have it in the allowed html tags in the nuke_root/config.php and the Forums ACP configuration page. This post may help:
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The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. Ezekiel 25:17
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