Accordion menu javascript help

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#1   Accordion menu javascript help
CZ Newbie
Rizzen has been a member for over 16 year's 16 Year Member
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I have a javascript that creates an accordion style menu. However I need this script converted into PHP if any one can help me out with that. I have tried myself but I have to be missing a " or a \ somwhere cause it messes up my whole page.

Id like to have this menu as a block on my nuke site but so far my attempts have been less than productive.

Anyways attached is the html version of the page, and the two external script pages. If anyone could convert it for me I would be extremely greatful.

Attached Files
jquery-1.2.2.pack.js (28.63 KB, Downloaded: 1138 Time(s))
Attached Files
ddaccordion.js (10.72 KB, Downloaded: 1136 Time(s))
Attached Files
Accordion Menu.txt (6.07 KB, Downloaded: 1138 Time(s))

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#2   re: Accordion menu javascript help
CZ Newbie
 Codezwiz Site Donator
baxr6 has been a member for over 16 year's 16 Year Member
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It may not be much help but I was recently playing around with mootools and came up with this block.....Its not really layed out properly i just whacked it through the block creator to test it.You would also have to get the mootools framework and include it in your header

anyway ive attached the block

and here is the css for it, just whack it in your style.css file in your theme folder.

#accordion li{
   border-bottom:solid 1px #DEDEDE;
#accordion li a {
   padding: 3px 6px;
   display: block;
   text-decoration: none;

#accordion li a:hover {
   background: #EFEFEF;

and the mootools framework is here

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Attached Files
block-Test.txt (3.49 KB, Downloaded: 1134 Time(s))

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