phpNuke Coppermine module

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#1   phpNuke Coppermine module
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I wonder if anyone can help or advise. And I am really sorry if this is a sore subject to mention, but I have been all over the net to find closed forums and no help.

I am running phpNuke 7.6 with the final patches from Chatserv. I have just installed Aprove Membership module which is working fine.

I have been looking for a good gallery for my community and used to have Coppermine. I downloaded a copy of Coppermine for Nuke v.1.3.1d. I've installed it and after a couple of little snags I have got it sort of running.

I have few question which maybe someone has some knowledge of and can advise me as to what to do.

I have just tried editing an uploaded photo and the link goes to page modules.php?name=coppermine&file=editOnePic&id=8&what=picture and has the links for the Coppermine ares - Main, My Gallery, etc at the top, then in a thin grey box it says "Edit Pictures" and nothing else. The page scrolls down quite a way but it is blank - i.e. what in the old version was a table of all your pictures and features to edit etc, is not there.

Any ideas?

Also, I know Coppermine is known to be a hackers dream - any suggestions for any code which may help seal up some of the holes?

I would be very greatful of all help received thank you. icon_biggrin.gif

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#2   re: phpNuke Coppermine module
CZ Newbie
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Meh - I went for a walk and thought about it - I changed the Coppermine skin and it works - didn't work in the skin I was using!

Any info on patching up Coppermine's holes, still needed though!
Many thanks

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I would compare the two templates and see what is missing from the one that isn't working.

As far as patches go I am not familiar with any. Someone else here may know different though. I do know that one of the developer's of Coppermine also owns this site: [ Register or login to view links on this board. ] (a nuke fork).

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Thanks Telli, I'll see what I can find out from there. icon_biggrin.gif

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