pageload feedback help needed.

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#1   pageload feedback help needed.
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Howzit everyone, need a helping hand with just a few moments of time if you can spare it.
Ive been getting way off in left field feedback from people saying the pageload times are super fast to extremely slow.
Just wondering if a few people would check these two links one to the main site and one to our shop and let me know what type of loading times your experiencing...

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Thank you in advance


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#2   re: pageload feedback help needed.
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GothVamp has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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Not mega, mega fast but loaded quick enough for me not to be clicking away.

I guess it depends on how much RAM and user has and their net speed and such. My current PC is 6 years old, well worn and in need of more RAM and it loaded fine for me!

It didn't hang and I didn't just look at a blank screen counting 10 seconds til I shut the window and went elsewhere! icon_wink.gif

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Seems fine here in FF 3.0 and IE 7.0. You may want to consider a preloader script for all of the images it will help with the loading time on slower machines.

I also agree with gothvamp that it depends on the user's PC.

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