review module page numbering help

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#1   review module page numbering help
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fr34k has been a member for over 19 year's 19 Year Member
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Hi was wondering if someone could help me out (i dont know the first thing about coding).

I currently use a phpnuke review module which was re-coded by a friend of mine due to buggy code by the module creators. I have had a lot of feedback from my users/guests on getting a better navigation system within each review set up.

Currently when a user views a specific review (and our reviews are between 8 - 15 pages long) the only way a user can get to the next page of the review is by using the previous and next buttons at the bottom of each review.

What i wanted help to create was an easier way of navigating through the pages of a single review. I have asked around about this and have been told the review module we use would need a re-code with regards to the pagination part of the module.

What i'm trying to acheive is either a simple page numbering at the bottom of each page within a specific review (e.g <<Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next>>)
Or alternatively a simple drop down box at the bottom of the page alongside the previous and next buttons

Here is some examples of what i want to create:

Any help would be greatly apreciated

(i did have a forum post similar to this, but this post does explain better the help i need)

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