text color change help needed

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#1   text color change help needed
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ff52tleonard has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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okies, im at my wits end here...im trying to change the text color for the flying text script..and i cant figure it out...is is possible? or am in driving myself nuts for no reason lmao.i put the code here as an attachment, i hope that works.

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No color variables in there here try this one:
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ff52tleonard has been a member for over 20 year's 20 Year Member
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ty telli :-)

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#4   re: text color change help needed
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thebishop has been a member for over 17 year's 17 Year Member
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hello, I'm new here obviously but i wanted to ask if the script above will work for nuke 7.6. I did a search first and didn't find the answer.

I am using the hidestatusbar with message script already and it works like a charm. But i can't seem to get this one working the same way the other is. Thanks.

[EDIT] after submitting my post, I noticed the spell checker.
Is this native to this site or is it possible to add a spell checker to my nuke 7.6 site as well.

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