CZM-V4 75 Turkish

Script Name:CZM-V4 75 Turkish   
Version Number:4.0.0
File Size:26.47 Kb
File Type:  (Zip file)

File description:
Turkish version translated by Some1

V4.0 - 7-20-04
- Mozilla, IE 4.0+ ile test edilmistir.
- Kategorileri asagi, yukariya dogru kaydirabilirsiniz.
- Harici linkler icin extradan kategori.
- Harici linkleri pop up ,ayni pencerede veya yeni pencerede acabilme.
- Kolay duzenleme icin yoneticideki moduller guruplandi.
- Cok daha hizli sql sistem hepsi yeni sgl icin yukseltildi.Bu versiyon sisteminiz icin cok daha hizli ve hafifletildi.
- Kategorileri acik veya kapali olarak gosterebilme.
- Imanjlar tema (theme)nizla beraber degisebilir ( ayarladiysaniz).(themes/images/CZM/)
- Butun blok fonksiyonlari yonetici panelinizden kontrol edilebilir.
- Hizli ve harici yeni linklerinizin isimlerini degistirebilme ozelligi. - 7.0 Gurup sistem olusumu.
- 7.1 abone (Subscription) sistem olusumu.
- 7.5 icin uygundur.
- GT Nextgen uyumlu.
- Birkac diger ozellik.

Standard Terms Of Use/License:

Our Standard License is similar to the GPL but not exactly the same. You are free to modify the script for your own purposes as long as our credits remain intact. Translations are permitted.

By using our scripts you agree to the following:

- Our package name and link MUST REMAIN in the credit footer of all script generated pages.
- This package CAN NOT be ported without written permission.
- This package CAN NOT be mirrored without written permission.

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