GOW Arcade Comptition 17th June - 17th July !! Prize For The Winner!!

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Since we have revised all the ladders we do and added some new ones like BF2 8v8 and GR-Modded the increase and activaty on GOW-Ladder is growing everyday. So we have decided to add a competition, A arcade competition from the 17th June -17th July, The person with the most wins at the end of that day will get FREE 6-Months of Webhosting Donated by www.gow-solutions.net The webhosting will have 1GB space and 50GB monthly traffic with unlimited features , so what you waiting for get your teams signed up for the ladders and play some arcade games for your chance to win 6-Months Free Hosting.


Article submitted by: RIVERSLAYER
Last Update: 06-20-2006
Category: News

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