The 3-Years trusted hosting provider - CPanel/Linux Shared  Digg  Google  Spurl  Blink  Furl  Y! MyWeb  

iiPanel.NET (3-Years in hosting business) is proud to offer the Reliable and Trusted hosting services that you
can hardly find in other providers. You stopped at the right place. We are honest with our customers, we do not
mislead you or false advertise to trick our customers with the trillion of megabytes hosting packages which
certainly do not exist. At iiPanel there are NO Catches, No Lies, No Hidden fees, No Overselling. What you see is exactly what
you will be getting.

We offer wide range of shared and reseller hosting packages.

All Packages come with:

15-Days Money back
99.9% Uptime
Weekly Backups
Redundant Servers Intel & AMD Servers

Unlimited Addon Domains / Sub-Domains
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited E-mail accounts
Unlimited FTP Accounts
PHP, CGI, PERL, PYTHON, Cron, CURL, Frontpage
Cpanel 11 + Fantastico
Plus much more...

CPanel 11 Shared Hosting

Package: iiSmall
Disk Capacity: 5,999 MB
Transfer/Bandwidth: 100 GB
Monthly Price: $3.95 | Yearly Price: $39.50 (Save 2-Months)
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Package: iiYoung
Disk Capacity: 6,999 MB
Transfer/Bandwidth: 200 GB
Monthly Price: $5.95 | Yearly Price: $59.50 (Save 2-Months)
Order Now | Full Information | Ask a Question
Package: iiDeveloped
Disk Capacity: 12,999 MB
Transfer/Bandwidth: 300 GB
Monthly Price: $7.95 | Yearly Price: $79.50 (Save 2-Months)
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CPanel 11 Reseller Hosting + Web Host Manager (WHM)

Package: Advanced
Disk Capacity: 10,999 MB
Transfer/Bandwidth: 150 GB
Monthly Price: $18.95
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Package: Expert
Disk Capacity: 20,999 MB
Transfer/Bandwidth: 300 GB
Monthly Price: $28.95
Order Now | Full Information | Ask a Question
Package: Professional
Disk Capacity: 30,999 MB
Transfer/Bandwidth: 400 GB
Monthly Price: $32.95
Order Now | Full Information | Ask a Question

We offer Support 24 hours a day, Click here to Submit a ticket to test our response time.

Thank you,
Wassouf of iiPanel

Article submitted by: Wassouf
Last Update: 07-25-2008
Category: Web Hosting

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