Week 1 October Specials @ iiPanel.NET (FREE Domains + $1 Fir

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iiPanel.NET is proud to introduce the weekly October specials. Every 1 week we will be releasing two new specials.

Week 1 Specials
==> Specials Page <==

** $1 First Month **
Description: Order any shared hosting package and get your first month for $1.
-----> iiYoung-'OCTIIY'
-----> iiDeveloped-'OCTIID'
-----> iiMaster-'OCTIIM'
-----> iiCommander-'OCTIIC'
// [URL="http://iipanel.net/specials.htm"]Full Details[/URL]
** FREE Domain Name **
Description: One FREE .com/.net/.org domain if you order any reseller & pay yearly.
-----> 'DOMOCT'
// [URL="http://iipanel.net/specials.htm"]Full Details[/URL]
Specials valid until 07/October/2006

[COLOR="Red"]Quick facts about iiPanel:[/COLOR]
- Australian based
- US based servers
- Founded in 2005
- 24/7 ticket support
- 100% debt Free
- 1,000+ domains hosted on our servers
- 100+ paying customers

[URL="http://iipanel.net/faq.htm"]FAQ[/URL] | [URL="http://iipanel.net/contacts.htm"]Contact us[/URL][B]

Article submitted by: Wassouf
Last Update: 10-01-2006
Category: Web Hosting

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